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Championing Our Customers

And Creating A Bank That Is Fit For The Future

The letter P for PTSB carved out in a slate of black marble

Our ambition is to be Ireland’s best personal and business bank through exceptional customer experiences. Best doesn’t necessarily mean the biggest, but it does mean the being the best at what we do for both our Personal and Business Banking customers. We are committed to understanding our customers and delivering what matters most to them through every stage of their financial journey.

Impact in Action

Established a new Brand promise,

'Altogether More Human'

The first Irish Retail Bank

to be awarded the Guaranteed Irish Symbol, recognising our contribution to local communities across the country



million logins on our digital channels in 2023

  • Relationship Net Promoter Score (RNPS)* of +20pts, up 10 points on last year and placing PTSB in joint first position among the retail banks in Ireland

  • c.38,000 new Current Accounts and c.40,000 new Deposit Accounts opened during 2023

  • 54% of new Current Account openings took place through the Bank's award winning Digital Current Account

  • A Digital Mortgage Application Journey

  • Broadening our Business Banking offering through partnerships with Bibby Financial Services, the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland, Digital Business Ireland and Worldpay

  • A focus on cyber security and data protection with training delivered to all colleagues

*A Relationship Net Promoter Score (RNPS) is a measure of customer advocacy towards a brand and indicates the willingness of a customer to recommend a company’s products or services to others. The question asks customers how likely they are to recommend their bank to friends or family on the basis of their own experience. The range for the scoring is -100 to +100.


For more on our commitment to Championing Our Customers and Creating A Bank That Is Fit For The Future, please visit page 32 of our Annual Report, located here.


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Altogether more human