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Explore Account Earn as you go

Making everyday banking better

The letter P for PTSB carved out in a slate of black marble

Earn up to €5 cashback a month when you pay with your card

Every time you pay with your card in-store, online or with Apple Pay or Google PayTM, you‘ll get 5c back. And as you keep using your card, we’ll keep rewarding you. You can earn up to €5 cashback each month!

Earn up to 5% Cashback when you pay Bills with our partners

We‘ve partnered with some of Ireland’s leading brands, such as Sky, SSE Airtricity, and Circle K to bring you great savings on your regular bills. Whether you are a new or existing customer with our partners you can get up to 5% cashback when you pay by Direct Debit from your Explore Account.

No day-to-day transaction or contactless fees

There are no day-to-day transactions, withdrawal or contactless fees for using your Visa Debit Card or for other everyday banking like transfers between other PTSB accounts, Direct Debits and Standing Orders. Just a flat €8 monthly fee for maintaining the account.

There may be other charges for things like Government Stamp Duty on your Debit Card, unpaid items, or if you use an ATM outside the Eurozone. Read our Fees and Charges booklet for more information.

Safer ways to bank

And with features like freezing your card and our one-of-a-kind PTSB Protect adding an additional layer of anti-fraud protection, it all comes together for a better everyday banking experience for you.

Apply in-app today

Applying has never been easier. To start your application, scan the QR code below to download the PTSB App, select the “Current Account Application” icon and follow the instructions. View documents needed to open a Current Account.

Please note: We may request that you make a branch appointment to provide further documentation before your application can be completed.

Who can apply in-app?

To apply in-app you must be over 18 and a resident in the Republic of Ireland.

  • New or existing PTSB customers can open a sole Current Account in their own name.
  • New PTSB customers can open a Joint Current Account (we recommend opening your Joint Account first). If you are an existing customer and would like to apply for a Joint Account, you can make an appointment in branch.


Need help with your application?

See our step-by-step guide on how to apply for a Current Account to make your application as seamless as possible.


New to Ireland?

If you are a new resident of Ireland, you may not have any acceptable proof of address documents yet. View acceptable proof of address documents for new to Ireland residents.

Apply in Branch

If you prefer to open an account in Branch, you can book an appointment and our team will help guide you through the process.

When attending your appointment you will need to bring all relevant documentation to complete the application and your mobile phone so we can set you up on Open24 Online banking.

Book an appointment Call 0818 50 24 24


Keep track of your cashback

You can view cashback earned as well as cashback due in the My Rewards tab within the website version of your Open24 Online Banking. You can keep track of your 5c cashback total during the month on Open24 Online Banking and your total will be credited to your Explore Account at the start of each month. Pending transactions must be processed by the merchant before qualifying for 5c back as you pay and this may affect your monthly Rewards Total.


View your eStatements

You can access your eStatements anytime and anywhere online through Open24 Online Banking or the PTSB App on a registered device for a period of 24 months from the statement issue date. We recommend you download and save your eStatements to your password protected personal device to ensure future ease of access. 

Important information

See our Terms and Conditions and our Personal and Business Banking Charges booklet for more information. 

Account features, benefits and partners are subject to change.

Available to personal customers over 18. eStatements only.

Read important information about our Current Account.

Discover our step-by-step guides on how to move your Current Account, Credit Card, Overdraft and Savings Accounts.

How much
could you earn?

How many times do you use your card?

Cashback on bills

How much is your monthly bill?

Sky 5% cashback
SSE Airtricity 2% cashback

Save with Circle K

Calculate earnings

Please fill in all the fields above to get started

Important information
  • The information on the calculation above is indicative and may not match your actual earnings.
  • €8 fee for maintaining the account per month will apply which has not been included in the calculation.
  • Explore customers can get 4c off per litre with Circle K. We use the AA National monthly average petrol and diesel prices to estimate how many litres you use. Average prices last updated February 2025.
Digital Current Account questions and answers

Got questions about applying for the Digital Explore Account in the PTSB App?

Explore Account FAQ's

We’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions about our Explore Current Account.

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