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Saving for Education

yourg family with a toddler sitting at a kitchen table, father is placing food , mom is playing with the baby The letter P for PTSB carved out in a slate of black marble

Whether you’re saving for your children’s education or to further your own, it pays to save some money in advance.

With the costs of higher level education increasing all the time, it’s wise to start saving early so you’re better prepared for the day you wave your children off to college or head off yourself! 

How much do I need to save?

  • The maximum rate of the student contribution fee is currently €3,000 a year.
  • If your child lives away from home you could expect to pay over €11,000 a year on average for bills and accommodation. (Source: DIT: Campus Life)
  • Looking to further your own education? The cost of many Master’s courses can reach €9,000 - €45,000 a year. And that’s before you add in costs such as books, laptops and other college material or examination entries and other student services.

Simple tips to help you reach your saving goal

Decided to further your own education? Here are some simple tips to help you out. 

  1. Start early. The earlier you start saving the less you'll have to put away.
  2. Think savings. If possible, any money left over at the end of the month should be saved. Top up your savings whenever you can.
  3. Pay savings first. Make your savings the first thing you pay into each month. 
  4. Open a separate savings account. As well as offering you a competitive interest rate, having a separate account reduces the temptation to dip into your savings for day-to-day expenses.
  5. Monitor your savings. Keep an eye on your savings and evaluate if you can afford to put away a bit extra each month. With open24 online banking and our mobile app, it's easy to keep track of your savings 24/7.
Average cost of education in Ireland
Primary school
Grey outline of a rainbow between two clouds
€14,968 over 8 years
Secondary school
Grey outline of a locker
€19,914 over 5 years

College students living
at home

grey outline of a house
€30,544 over 4 years

College students
living away

grey outline of a backpack
€46,560 over 4 years
Start saving early
Saving at an earlier date allows you to be more prepared for the future.
grey outline of a house 10 years
is the average time parents spend saving to put their kids through college.
grey outline of a wallet
48% of parents

Said recent cost of living increases made it much more difficult to meet secondary education costs

€982 is the average

cost of basics needed for a first year of secondary school

Grey outline of a briefcase
52% of students

are still living at home
with their parents


Sources: Zurich Cost of Education Survey 2022 / TU Dublin Cost of living guide 2022/23 /

Icons from the Noun Project:

Created by Seb Cornelius, Kelly Carnes, Milky - Digital innovation, Beau Wingfield, Andrew Was.

We're here to help

Give us a call on 0818 50 24 24 or +353 1 212 4101 (from abroad) and our dedicated team will assist you. Lines are open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays), and from 10am to 2pm Saturday and Sunday.


Not sure where to start? Schedule an appointment online via Teams, or in person. You can meet a Financial Advisor at a time and place that suits you. 

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