Said recent cost of living increases made it much more difficult to meet secondary education costs
Whether you’re saving for your children’s education or to further your own, it pays to save some money in advance.
With the costs of higher level education increasing all the time, it’s wise to start saving early so you’re better prepared for the day you wave your children off to college or head off yourself!
Decided to further your own education? Here are some simple tips to help you out.
College students living
at home
College students
living away
Said recent cost of living increases made it much more difficult to meet secondary education costs
cost of basics needed for a first year of secondary school
are still living at home
with their parents
Sources: Zurich Cost of Education Survey 2022 / TU Dublin Cost of living guide 2022/23 /
Created by Seb Cornelius, Kelly Carnes, Milky - Digital innovation, Beau Wingfield, Andrew Was.
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